Who is my guardian angel?

Who is my guardian angel?

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Have you ever wondered if there is a celestial being watching over you, guiding you through life's challenges? The concept of a guardian angel has intrigued humanity for centuries, transcending cultural and religious boundaries.

In this article, we explore the fascinating concept of guardian angels, delving into the historical and spiritual significance that transcends centuries.

Guardian Angel watches over us.

Overview of the Angels

Before we explore the role of guardian angels in more detail, let's take a moment to understand the different angelic conceptions present across cultures and beliefs. This complex concept of guardian angels emerges in various religious and spiritualist traditions. Understanding their nature and how they influence our lives requires some preliminary clarification of this fascinating concept.


Angels in the Christian Tradition

In the Bible, angels are described as divine messengers and servants of God. The angelic hierarchy includes celestial beings such as seraphim, cherubim, and archangels.

Angels in Islam

The Quran mentions several angels, including Jibril (Gabriel), Mikaïl (Michael) and Israfil. They play specific roles in divine communication and the management of cosmic events.

Angels in Kabbalah

Kabbalah, a Jewish mysticism, offers a complex view of angels, featuring entities such as Metatrons and esoteric interpretations of these celestial beings.

Angels in Mythology

Angelic figures feature in ancient myths across the world, often associated with deities or celestial manifestations.

Angels in Modern Spirituality

Contemporary perspectives on angels vary, from traditional beliefs to more personal interpretations, influencing modern spiritual practices.

Note: These descriptions are generalizations, and each tradition has its own nuances and unique interpretations.


What is a guardian angel?

A guardian angel is a supernatural entity that protects and cares for an individual from conception until eternity after the end of material life. These supernatural beings are not born at the moment the baby is conceived, but have existed since the beginning of time and will continue to exist for eternity.

The meaning of their life is to protect all the people entrusted to them, thanks to their supernatural super abilities to take care of them. These guardian angels are spiritual beings who do not have a body. They are therefore not subject to the restrictions of materiality. However, it is said that guardian angels can take a corporeal form, when necessary.

Therefore, a guardian angel is a faithful guardian whom you can trust completely, since he was created solely to watch over you. A guardian angel serves as a companion not only during the years we spend on Earth, but also later in the spiritual world of eternity.

Some people say they were able to notice the connection with their guardian angel in a more direct way, but that feeling has disappeared. They may want to reaffirm this feeling of connection by learning more about them.

Guardian Angels According to Your Date of Birth

The belief in the influence of guardian angels on our individual lives is often linked to the date of birth. Some believe that each person is accompanied by a specific angel, determined based on the day of their birth.

Do you want to know your guardian angel based on your date of birth?

To explore this fascinating dimension of guardian angels, you can consult our other article, "Guardian Angels according to your Date of Birth", available on our blog.

Conclusion: discovering who my guardian angel is?

This exploration into the world of guardian angels makes it clear that this concept holds deep meaning for many people. Whether from a historical, cultural, or personal perspective, guardian angels continue to capture our imagination and comfort us in times of uncertainty.

We encourage you to continue your quest to discover your guardian angels with an ever-renewed curiosity, inviting you to perpetually seek the answer to this question. May the connection with your angels bring you peace and serenity in your journey.

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