Do angels exist?

Do angels exist?

Throughout history, the existence of angels has been a subject of fascination, curiosity, and debate. From theological perspectives to cultural and artistic representations, angels have played an important role in many religious and spiritual belief systems.

In this article, we will explore different perspectives on the existence of angels , including biblical references, the hierarchy of angels, historical and philosophical perspectives, and the depiction of angels in art and literature. We will also look at symbolism and encounters with angels in different cultural and religious traditions.

Whatever your initial opinion about angels, exploring the different aspects of their existence can lead to personal growth and a better understanding of the world's various cultures and religions. So let your curiosity guide you and venture out to discover your own perspective on these enigmatic beings and the role they play in our lives.


Biblical references

You may be wondering about the origin of angels and their existence. In various religious texts, angels are mentioned as spiritual beings who serve God. The Old and New Testaments of the Bible contain many references to angels. For example, in the book of Genesis, cherubim are placed to guard the Garden of Eden. Additionally, in the book of Revelation, angels play a crucial role in end-time events. Interestingly, these references present different aspects of angels, showing them as messengers, guardians, and warriors.

Hierarchy and roles of angels

  1. Seraphim: The highest ranking angels, known for their burning love for God, are closest to the divine presence.
  2. Cherubim: These angels possess incredible knowledge and guard sacred things, such as the Garden of Eden mentioned above.
  3. Archangels: Archangels, including the famous Archangel Michael, are responsible for transmitting messages from God and carrying out divine tasks.

In addition to these categories, guardian angels are said to be responsible for protecting and guiding human beings.

Historical and philosophical points of view

Throughout history, various philosophers and theologians have presented their views on angels. Plato and Aristotle, two prominent Greek philosophers, acknowledged the existence of spiritual beings who served as mediators between God and the material world.

More recently, Gustav Davidson's Dictionary of Angels and St. Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica on Angels have contributed to the theological understanding of angels. These works deal with the complex angelic hierarchies, roles, and nature of these tutelary spirits.

By exploring these theological perspectives, you will be able to better understand the importance and prevalence of angels in religious and historical beliefs.

annunciation scene

Angels in Art and Literature

Throughout history, angels have been a central figure in various works of art and literature. These celestial beings are often depicted as messengers and serve to communicate divine will. Many artists have chosen to depict angels in their works, emphasizing their power, love, and dedication to their divine duties.

Notable examples include the Annunciation , where the angel Gabriel announces to the Virgin Mary her divine role in the birth of Jesus. In this scene, Gabriel is often depicted with a halo and sometimes wings, representing his heavenly status. The cherub and the seraph are two other categories of angels commonly found in art, symbolizing innocence and ardent devotion, respectively.

Guardian angel
Discover our Guardian Angel Statue, an elegant symbol of protection and serenity to beautify your space and strengthen your spiritual well-being.

Angelic Encounters and Symbolism

In various cultural and religious traditions, angels are known to serve a variety of functions. They can be seen as messengers, guides, and protectors, providing help and support to those in need. Guardian angels, for example, are believed to protect and watch over individuals throughout their lives.

Power: Angels are often depicted as powerful beings, reflecting their divine origin and the immense strength they possess.

Worship: Some angels are considered devoted worshipers, continually offering their praise and adoration to higher powers.

Guardian: Angels are often seen as guardians, protecting and watching over specific individuals or places.

Serve: Serving as divine messengers or intermediaries between the spirit world and the earthly world, angels often convey important communications and guidance.

Love: In many traditions, angels embody the purest love, reflecting their unwavering devotion to their divine role and mission.

Creation: Angels are often viewed as direct creations of a divine power, fashioned to carry out divine will and perform specific functions.

The symbolism of angelic encounters can vary greatly, with halos representing divine grace and light, while wings symbolize their ability to travel between realms.



Angels, whether perceived as real or symbolic, have continued to fascinate and inspire throughout the ages. Their presence in sacred texts, art, literature, and personal stories is a testament to their enduring importance in human culture. By exploring the different facets of angels, we can deepen our understanding of our own spirituality and the beliefs that shape our world. So let your curiosity guide you and perhaps you will discover a new perspective on these celestial beings and their place in our lives.


Ultimately, the question of the existence of angels remains a matter of faith and personal perspective. For some, angels are concrete spiritual realities, guardians and guides. For others, they are powerful symbols of values ​​and ideals. Whatever your perspective, angels remain a source of inspiration and reflection on the mystery of the divine and existence.


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